Wednesday, December 5, 2007

BBC and The New York Times

It seems like there are ton of different ways to get information these days, whether it be online, in the newspaper, or on television. I prefer watching CNN, the local news, or going online to Greensboro News and Record for information about what is going on in the world. Until this class I’d never even heard of the BBC. The website seems rather bland to me, something about the layout and the color scheme makes it look like an un-creditable source of information. Even though it does have the same information as most other websites and news shows, something about the appearance isn’t very eye catching, which doesn’t make me what to continue to look at the stories on the site. I also never really look at the New York Times, for information either. However, after looking at the site and reading some of the stories I did like it, as far as seeming like a creditable and reliable source. I mean it is a well known name, so I know it’s a good source for information, but not just one I’m interested in using. I’ll stick to or

1 comment:

Adverstising Hott Topics said...

The local news on the televison is where I usually recieve information about current events. I did browse BBC and I did not like the layout. BBC website seems overwhelming and I would not know exactly where to began when I am searching for news. I also enjoyed browsing NEW York Times more because the layout was more appealing. I actually stayed on the website longer than BBC. I will continue to watch the local news out of habit but I will consider NEW York Times while I am surfing the internet.