Thursday, December 6, 2007

End of Semester Reflections

Being a junior, I'm getting closer and closer to entering the real world. And before this class, I didn't really have an idea of what I wanted to do in the business world. I just entered the CARS department with a vague idea of fashion and retailing. After being exposed to the marketing side, I've actually come to enjoy it. Taking this class has definitely opened up my eyes to what's around me. Now, I'll watch tv with a different perspective or read magazines more actively and pay attention to the ads just as much as I do to the articles. The process that goes behind an advertisement is just fascinating to me. Who knew so much work went into a one page spread in a magazine or a thirty second commercial? Who knew that it took so much work to figure out what appeals to the consumer most and how you can motivate them to buy your product? This class has taught me all of those things and more, and I've come to realize that I'd love to have a part in that process. The challenge of figuring out the who, what, where and why just seems so exciting. I'm sure the knowledge I've gained over the past semester will be invaluable to me and I'll be able to continue to use it throughout the rest of my college days and into my professional life.

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