Monday, September 17, 2007

Pedigree Commercial

Ok, I don't know how many of you own a dog, but this commercial may make you want one. I remember the first time I saw this commercial it almost brought tears to my eyes. That may seem a little silly to some people. But being a dog lover, and the owner a spoiled Yorkshire terrier, it makes me so sad to think there are dogs out their without a home. We haven't really talked much in class yet about how commercials can affect you emotionally, but I feel like some of them do. Pedigree hit the nail on the head, when trying to win over consumers by playing with their emotions. Between the background music, the tone of the announcer's voice, and the sad look in those dogs’ eyes, it really makes you think. I know that even though I am not in the position to adopt another dog (my boyfriend would kill me) at least we do buy pedigree and its good to know that a portion of that money is going towards homeless dogs. As a consumer who has so many different choices when it comes to do food, I gotta say pedigree has won me over.

So what do you think?

Do you feel like pedigree is playing with your emotions through this commercial?

How did it make you feel?

1 comment:

Professor Sanghvi said...

yes, but commercials are supposed to make that contact with the customer - or rather the customers wallet, whether its through their heart or their head!