Monday, September 24, 2007

"Healthy" Models

In today's fashion industry, there is a lot of controversy over the size of runway models. How thin is too thin? Would introducing bigger size models take away from the glamour of the show? Is that what people really want to see? These are all questions that have been argued over for a long time, and will probably continue until we see a change.
Clearly, the size of most fashion models are borderline unhealthy. But in my opinion, I think the thinner frame contributes more to the fashion than the frame of an average size ten woman. The runway show is a chance for the designer to present their lines, and the clothes should be the main focus, not the girl wearing them. Therefore, a clean, generic canvas is required to make the clothes stand out. Clothes just seem to fall better on skinnier frames. It makes the whole show more uniform and less, for lack of a better term, sexual. Yes, an average woman has curves, and women these days are embracing them rather than trying to hide them. But certain cuts on clothing can lend themselves to more of a revealing, sexy look instead of the haute couture image many of the designers are going for.
I agree that healthier looking models should be introduced into this industry, but I believe there should be a limit to their size. I think that a size two or four would be sufficient enough without taking away from the high fashion, uniformity look of the show. Hopefully in the future we will see a little bit of change, as clearly this image of stick thin girls are not healthy for the models themselves and also for young girls that look up to and admire them.
America's body image is slowly taking a turn as many women are learning to love their bodies that they were born with and to not hide away their flaws. I'd like to see a little bit of this filter into the fashion industry. But I still do believe there should be a limit as to how much actually does change.


Unknown said...

I love your point about "a clean, generic canvas is required to make the clothes stand out...It makes the whole show more uniform and less, for lack of a better term, sexual."
I never thought of it like that...makes sense though!! Good Job!!

Nick Matson said...

i totally agree with you on the fact that the fashion industry has its standards and they will not change so much to satisfy everyone. Fashion is what it is and it will not change, at least not too much, to make everyone else feel better. The models can look really thin but most people forget that they are close to six feet tall and whatnot, not to mention a lot of people are naturally thin. I can understand if they look sick and emaciated, that is not sexual or attractive for the clothes or anyone watching the show. The modeling world needs to make some changes for those that fall under the too thin category and at least keep the runway decently healthy like the BMI limitations that they have now for the models so the wrong image isn't conveyed. It might take some time and alterations but the fashion world will not change just because the rest of the country is expanding at the waist line. The industry will always have these standards.